Thursday, July 19, 2007
Nine Week
If you would kindly bear with us, you'll have to wait just a few more hours for my photo update. Mom and Dad bought a new house, which is very exciting. It has a nice yard that someday will be home to a fort, and more than likely an igloo or two what with all the snow we get up here, for me. The process, though, is kind of a pain. First, my rocking chair was at the old house, the camera was in Dad's car, and the laptop at the new house isn't set up for us to download pictures. Mom ran down last night to pick up my rocking chair, took a bunch of photos, and planned on posting them this morning at the old house. Well, here we are, camera and computer, but, uh, no cord. So the camera and the computer have no way to talk to each other. We'll take care of this most expediently as we know how much you all adore seeing my bad self.

This has been quite an exciting week. Aside from moving, I've reached a few milestones. I've started batting at the dangly toys on my carseat. Someday soon, it's seeming like I'll be grabbing stuff. I also rolled over from front to back. Three times in a row the first night. Mom and Dad think I'm a genius, but really, I loathe tummy time that much and conjured up all of the superhero powers I had in my reserve to put an end to it.

More later...Pinky swear!

Here you go! Sorry, a little too busy for captions this week!

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About A Girl

Name: Cora Jane

About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.

See my complete profile

Cora Jane Classics
We Are Family
Baby Buddies
Turtle Un-Shelled
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from zubegirl. Make your own badge here.

Busy Busy Busy!
Past Messes
Blah Blah!

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