More pictures to come! Daddy's going to e-mail them to Mommy at work so she can load them up! But in the meantime, you can see me in all of my 6:30AM birthday girl glory right here...
Check back later for more pictures of your truly! And thank you to everyone who visits me here. I can't tell you what your love and support mean to Mommy and Daddy and me.
PS- The comments are wonky. Mom was messing with the html code and she had no business doing so, so sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. We're working on it but it's low on the list of fires these days!
We'll make this quick. Just got home and I'm a little tired!
Pictures from my Birthday Party at Mommom's house.
Mmmm, wrapping paper.
Me and Mommy's bestest friend from college, Dorothea.
Dorothea, Mommy, Dorothea's son, Owen, and me...
Second cousins and first cousins...Ryan, Aubri, me, Stan, and Kayla...
Aubri shared her My Little Ponies with me and we played with Great Aunt Kathy and Great Aunt Donna.
I liked my Cookie Monster cupcakes.
After my party, Stan and Owen and I played outside.
Playing with Stan...
Mommom read me a story she used to read Mommy, Uncle Eric, Aunt Jaclyn and Aunt Michelle.
A goodnight kiss from Aunt Michelle.
Poppop and me...
Granny K and me...
Playing with Stan and Kayla.
Kayla, Stan, Mommom and I.
We brought some roses to Mommy's Mommom.
We stopped by to visit my Great-Great-Mommom and Poppop, Michael and Nora.
Stan and I with our Pop-pop-pop, or Great Poppop. Haven't quite figured his name out just yet! Mommy's Poppop will do for now. It's a regional and traditional thing, this Mommom and Poppop stuff, silly as it may sound to some. It's not silly to Mom at all.
We decided to hang out outside for a bit since it was nice.
Me and Aunt Kerri.
Stan and I on the swings.
Uncle Eric pushed Kayla and I on the swings.
We had a little picnic.
Uncle Stan read me a story.
Me and Uncle Stan.
Stan and I.
Random pictures of Kayla, Stan and I.
Chair and bear pictures tomorrow. We're travel weary tonight.
Well all, since on Wednesday we'll be en route to Colorado, I won't be able to update. Mommy'd really like it if you sent us some good baby plane vibes. I was a bit restless on the flight here. Can't blame me as flying is kinda boring, though the people are pretty interesting to look at. And touch. And hand pieces of paper to. Oh, and let's also hope Mommy sits next to someone a little more kid-friendly.
Well, I got some professional shots done for my birthday if you'd like to check 'em out!
Okay, well, look forward to another update on Thursday!
About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.
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