Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mommom and Pappy's Visit
Hey all! It's been a few weeks, but better late than never to post some pictures! Remember, too, you can always check out some of my latest photos by visiting this site or by clicking on the little picture box in the sidebar to the right!

Also, I'm looking forward to seeing Grandma and Aunt Colleen this weekend, so we'll have some more photos for you of that!

When Mommom and Pappy arrived, I was a little sleepy!

Pardon my crazy hair. Mom had me rockin' a very cute ponytail, but I took it upon myself to re-style it.

I took Pappy for a walk (but I let him think he was taking me!).

Playing hide and seek in my hamper.

Being silly with Mommom.

Thanks for visiting Mommom and Pappy! Until next time!
said at 2:03 PM   2 Compliments

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sixteen and a Half Months
My First Steps (Well, okay, maybe my third or fourth, Mom's not psychic with the video camera or anything!).

said at 6:17 AM   5 Compliments

About A Girl

Name: Cora Jane

About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.

See my complete profile

Cora Jane Classics
We Are Family
Baby Buddies
Turtle Un-Shelled
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from zubegirl. Make your own badge here.

Busy Busy Busy!
Past Messes
Blah Blah!

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