Going to attempt to excuse our long absence! Mommy thought for a while she had this stuff called 'Free Time' until she realized it was only because she was slacking on doing things, like my blog, that she found herself with time on her hands.
I'm going to post a bunch of pictures of my visit with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Colleen and Uncle Nick, and Uncle Tim and many, many more peeps in January!
Poppop came for a visit in February...
Check me out! I have a Big Girl bed now! And that's really convenient for Mommy and Daddy because, in case you haven't heard, if all goes well I'll be a big sister in August and someone else will be needing my crib!
Well, we'll see ya when we see ya! Mom feels great but she's a little sleepy these days! Apparently I am a handful or something like that.
About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.
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