Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Camping Baby-Style...

If you wouldn't mind crawling over here, Mom loaded pictures from our recent vacation! There are far too many to post here! Enjoy!

Oh, and pardon the look around here. Something funky happened to the old template and we're in the process of getting a new one from someone wonderful.
said at 12:53 PM   1 Compliments

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Makin' Trees Make Like Trees...And Leave...
We've been pretty busy! There are lots o' trees in our yard that need to be gotten rid of, so Daddy brought a big machine home from work to take one down. I got a first class seat...

I sort of supervised the whole thing. Mommy took pictures.

Jay, the next door neighbor, held me while I bossed people around and stuff.

Well, I think my job here is done.

Uncle Zig up really high.

I like to use the phone.

But Mommy always catches me.

I don't know how you do it, lady. Whaddya have eyes in the back of your head?

Well, I'm off! I'll keep you informed as to the trouble I found, and the trouble that finds me!

PS- Not only are cookies fun to eat, but they're fun to wear, too! So says me!
said at 3:55 PM   3 Compliments

Saturday, July 5, 2008
This Mom lady's got nuthin' on my directing skillz. Check it out...

Enjoying lunch and wondering where my Dad is...

I love riding my little car...

See you next time!
said at 6:25 PM   3 Compliments

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa Came to Visit!
Crawling to a blog near you...

...one tongue sticker-outerer...

...baby named Cora Jane!

My Grandma...

...and my Grandma...NOT sitting by the fire! But having a cool time nonetheless!

1 Baby + 1 Grandpa...

+ 1 Dog = Lots o' Fun!

Me and Grandma.

Me and Grandma in my little house just like the one Great-Grandpa Dutzi made for her when she was little! Mommy's heard lots about Grandpa Dutzi and how much Daddy is like him and she thinks I'd be lucky to catch a few genes from that dude, too! Here's to hoping!

This is my rocking dinosaur. There is a little story behind it. Mommy found it on the internet before I was born and she knew my room would be all dinosaurish and she fell in love with it. It was too expensive, though. Daddy had a trip to take a few weeks before I was born. While he was gone, and promised to keep his cell phone close at hand in case I came earlier than I actually did, he surprised Mommy by having this toy shipped. That and this sweater were the only things they'd really bought before I was born. They wanted me to arrive here safely before they bought many other things.

I love cars and Grandma and Grandpa brought me one! You can also see my new doll baby.

Mom's two favoritest pictures from Grandma and Grandpa's visit!

Grandpa and I checking out the fish. Soon we'll be grand fishing fools!

My Daddy is awesome!

I love the swings!

Swinging with Grandma..

All right y'all! I'm out!
said at 6:53 PM   2 Compliments

About A Girl

Name: Cora Jane

About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.

See my complete profile

Cora Jane Classics
We Are Family
Baby Buddies
Turtle Un-Shelled

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from zubegirl. Make your own badge here.

Busy Busy Busy!
Past Messes
Blah Blah!

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