Tuesday, October 9, 2007
There is Something Fishy About Being Twenty One Weeks...
This week blew me outta the water, I tell ya! Me and Mom and Dad went to Denver for two days and stayed in a hotel and everything! We visited the aquarium and all of its inhabitants. Everything went swimmingly. Okay, I'm over it with the puns.

Ahem. So, I started getting a little coughy and stuff toward the end of our trip and Mom brought me to the doctor when we got home. Dr. N is a really nice guy. He has three little girls himself and always tells me he thought there were no more little girls to be had in his family, but seeing me makes him want another one! Doesn't surprise me much that I'd inspire such thoughts! Anyway, I'm all healthy and stuff, just a little cold, which is completely normal for babies building up brand new immune systems. Good to know. Also, I weigh 13 pounds, 8 ounces. I'm more than twice as big as when I was born. Holy cow, I'm growing up so quick!

Onto the photos...

Hey, so, um, Dad, do you kind of get the feeling we're being watched?

Now, I know I'm getting big and all, but I gotta say, I think that turtle's got me beat in the BIG turtle department!

The sea otter was so happy to see me and Dad, s/he couldn't stop doing tricks and flips. I took notes for future encounters with diving boards!

Dad wanted me to experience the aquarium first hand. Or foot. But not quite.

I'm beginning to wonder how cute and affectionate of a nickname Turtle was. Turtles aren't looking quite adorable to me after this excursion!

I kicked back for a bit while Mom and Dad enjoyed a frothy adult beverage at an Irish pub after the aquarium. They laughed at how I like to prop my feet up on the stroller.

Mom's always giving me kisses. I figure I won't battle her on it 'til I'm in school and have friends and stuff. Then I'll tell her she's embarrassing me.

Dad picked out this turtle for me at the aquarium. It's nice and soft and now my dinosaur and I have another bedtime buddy.

This is me and my Aunt Faren!

Check me out! I'm wearing an outfit Mom sent to my cousin Kayla when she was born...

That's her wearing it a few months ago! Don't we look like cousins? Anyway, Aunt Kerri sent it back to Mom so now it's my turn!

Well, you heard it all here, folks. Time for me to rock and roll...

Until next week,
Cora Jane
said at 7:23 PM  
  • At October 10, 2007 at 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cora - you look like you enjoyed your adventure to the aquarium. Tell your dad that his chin looks like a road with the stripe down the middle! You are the most beautiful baby I have ever seen -chubba bubba. Love, Grandma Mc

  • At October 10, 2007 at 1:54 PM, Blogger Crazy Lady said…

    Cora Jane - I am very sorry, but mommies always give kisses - even when you get older andd in school. There is nothing you can do to stop us - we are like giant kissing machines.

  • At October 10, 2007 at 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cora Jane - I was so happy to see you wearing the outfit! There's something in the face between you and Kayla....you can tell you both are cousins! I am looking forward to seeing you next month!

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About A Girl

Name: Cora Jane

About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.

See my complete profile

Cora Jane Classics
We Are Family
Baby Buddies
Turtle Un-Shelled

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Busy Busy Busy!
Past Messes
Blah Blah!

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