Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Fifteen Weeks
NEWS FLASH! Grandma and Grandpa are coming! Woot! We'll have lots of pictures of our adventures together for you next Wednesday! And Grandma and Grandpa are gonna watch me while Mom and Dad are working so they'll get to play the little game Mommy and the Nice Daycare Lady play. It's called, Who's Gonna Get Cora Jane's Daily Afternoon Poop! I like to keep things exciting around here. Will it be at 2PM? Or will it be at 3PM? Mom and the Nice Daycare Lady find this game great fun, at least as far as I can tell. I mean, it makes them laugh every day and I'm remiss to think they'd be laughing AT me. So it must be with me.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now and let you get onto the business of reaffirming my cuteness.

There ain't nothing like a bubble bath to put a smile on a baby's face if you ask me!

I'm ready to set off and see my friends at daycare. C'mon Mom. Chop chop!


So this guy walks into a bar...and says ouch. HAHAHAHA! Gets me every time!

Sometimes being a baby can really run you down. I usually set aside a little time each week to retreat to the hammock out back and let the breeze tickle my nose!

If you click on this picture, you'll see my Daddy. He's sitting at the top of that crazy work chair thing. 120 feet up in the air. Stuck. I'm pretty glad he got down because that guy makes me giggle something fierce.

I decided to send Dad off to work after giving him a serious talking to about calling Mom and telling her he's stuck way up in the sky. She freaks out about stuff like that and, quite frankly, I got a little tired of hearing about it all the way home from daycare. I prefer banter about bottles and guys walking into bars and stuff.

Dude, I am so totally growing. It rocks.

Well, I'll see you next week! I've got some fiendish plans in the meantime! Mwahaha!
said at 6:01 AM   5 Compliments

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Fourteen Weeks
This morning me and Mom got up at 5AM. Well, actually, I got up. Then Mom heard me and she got up. But you know what? She wasn't even mad. Well, not that she ever gets MAD persay, but this time she was all happy! Something about me sleeping through the night. I went to bed at 6:30PM and stayed there the whole night through. From the big fuss she's making, I'm assuming this is a big deal.

Last week she tried to change my bedtime because she was afraid I was going to bed too early. Well, I showed her. She put me to bed at 7PM or 7:30PM and I promptly rewarded her by waking up every few hours, just like when I was a little baby. I don't think she'll be messing with my bedtime anymore! This woman is obsessed with sleep, I swear.

We have a surprise in store for you here at my blog! You'll see soon enough. Let's just say that things are going to be looking pretty snazzy around here thanks to Mia at The Blog Cafe.

Well, onto the photos.

The Many Faces of Cora Jane

Here, I practice looking pensive. I figure this look will come in handy someday when Dad's asking me, "Cora, now exactly what happened that broke the lamp?"

This is my look of surprise. I figure eventually I'll need to have this look down for when I've snuck around and know what my Christmas presents are but have to open them in front of Mom and Dad on Christmas morning.

Someday some other kid will be telling me a crazy story that I know they made up and that's when I'll whip out my mock belief face. After this face, I'll roll my eyes. But, I don't have that eyeroll thing down yet. Don't worry, I'm sure Mom, what with all her practice, will teach me that one. She's an eyeroll junky, that lady.

I also practice looking like Dad after Thanksgiving dinner.

At some point I'm sure I'll have to feign interest in some person of impportance's story. I think I'm getting this one down. If I could talk I'd be saying, "REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY! That's SOOOOOOOOOO interesting!"

I think it's important to look excited to go places. In this photo, I'm not exactly practicing, though. I really want to go somewhere. Like to BED! To take a NAP! MOTHER?! You hear that???

Le sigh. Nap? Hello!? Mom? Dad? Nobody listens to me.

Maybe if I fall asleep right here and now she'll get the message.

Well, I'm outta here! Time for me to get some beauty sleep!
said at 4:46 AM   3 Compliments

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Three Months
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that Mom didn't forget my three month birthday. She's just been super busy working and painting and changing my diaper. On Thursday, my official three month birthday day, Mommy commemorated the event by dressing me in ruffly butt pants, as can be seen in the image below. Mom says that someday I'll want nothing to do with anything drawing attention to my butt. Especially if I get the Zube Butt genes, whatever that means.

Also, we're going to commit an unprecedented move here at my blog, and post some pictures out of order. Mom just got the professional photos back from when I was in Jersey, and also a couple of pictures from my bathtime at Uncle Eric and Aunt Kerri's house that Mom thinks are hella cute, oops, hecka cute, and she wanted to share them with you. So, here are some pics of me at ten and a half weeks.

Mom thinks baby mohawks are just THE. COOLEST. THING. EVER. I just humor her. Mom's need that humoring thing. And I'm happy to do it, at least until I'm a teenager. Or two. We'll see.

Uncle Eric and cousin Kayla were hanging out waiting for me to be done so Kayla could get her bath. Squeaky clean babies rule!

Last but not least, it's the monthly roll call!

Week 1...Check...
Week 2...Check...
Week 3...Check...

Well, you get the idea.

One Week

Two Weeks

Three Weeks

Four Weeks

Five Weeks

Six Weeks

Seven Weeks

Eight Weeks

Nine Weeks

Ten Weeks

Eleven Weeks

Twelve Weeks

Thirteen Weeks

Mom and Dad can't believe how much I've grown since I got borned! Don't tell them because I'm feigning mock indignation that they'd be surprised at anything less than the most expedient of growth from me, but I'm a little surprised, too.
said at 10:19 AM   0 Compliments

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thirteen Weeks
BABY ADVICE - Advice for babies, by a baby. You can thank me later.

Laugh at Daddies. A lot. They eat that stuff up. This can work to a baby's advantage. Particularly if you pull the maneuver after keeping Daddies up at night or sharing your semi-digested formula with them. I have found that my Daddy in particular, is a big fan of the wavy arm smile. I save this charmer for when I have big poops in my diaper that Dad has to take care of.

Daddies are an interesting phenomenon. Funny, yet serious. Sometimes my Dad and me have staring contests. He's really good at them, but see, it's not that fair because he has approximately 31 years more experience than me at this eye control business. But still, I play anyway. I usually concede to his superior staring power when I feel like he's starting to wonder when I'll get a job. That's a battle for another time. This baby has no time for that stuff right now. I have found that when having staring contests with Dads, it helps to look a little bit clueless. They get less competetive that way.

Pssst - You may have to click on this photo to biggify it and read my shirt, so you'll understand where I'm coming from with my next bit of advice.

Ahem, anyway. Be proud of your bad baby self. Don't be afraid to flaunt it if you've got it. Toot your own horn, often and with reckless abandon. Someday, you will be all growed up, and it will be less adorable to brag so unabashedly about yourself.

It seems to me that Mommies like to take pictures. This is what they do. In addition to lots of other stuff, like wiping babies' butts and playing This Little Piggy. Sometimes being the subject of so many photos can leave a little baby feeling pressured to be entertaining. I have found, in my weeks of experience, that if I don't particularly feel up to being dynamic, I can simply give Mom a confounded look, like the one above, and she thinks it's totally cute. Not much energy expelled on my part, big, silly smiles on Mom's part. Everyone is content.

Public Service Announcement to Babies Everywhere! Mommies? Are totally suckers for all hoody outfits sporting bear ears. They just LOVE this stuff! So much so that when babies are dressed in these outfits they are easily and quickly forgiven for even the most serious of transgressions, like maybe spitting up on Mommy's shirt right before she's about to take you to the nice daycare lady's house and go to that place where she makes money and stuff. WORK the ears, dudes and dudettes. I cannot stress this enough.

Peace out my baby brothers and sisters. May your bottle or boob be full and your diaper empty.
said at 5:38 AM   2 Compliments

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Twelve Week
This week I'm a big girl! At least that's what Mom says. Dad is wondering if any day now I'll be wiping my own butt. Don't you worry, though, I'll keep him guessing.

Mom got a little excited with the photos of me and my new Bumbo. The Bumbo will help strengthen my back so I can sit up! I really dig it. Yesterday I sat on the couch with Dad in my Bumbo and watched Family Guy. That baby Stewie is cool. He's my new idol.

Mom and Dad would like to defend their childproofing capabilities by noting that I'm yet immobile. And they will plug up all electrical outlets at which time I am mobile and it becomes necessary. Just thought it was worth explaining given the childhood perils in my wake.

Dad and I lounging around. I would have been in my pajamas, too, but since I was a fountain of spit-up that morning, Mom couldn't see fit to leave me in them. Also, please don't mind the paint job behind us. We're in the process of prettifying our current house. It seems the previous owners got a little lazy with painting the brick wall.

Zack likes to sniff around to see what the milky smell is all about. Mom and Dad say Zack has a big head, but man, they really don't know the half of it.

Also, note: Yellow walls. Once again, not our idea.

Mom realized that there were no pictures of her and me since my birthday so she got Dad behind the camera this time.

My nursery in the new house is finally complete! Dad picked up the crib yesterday, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa. Now with my bedding set from Great Aunt Donna, Aunt Bub, Aunt Jenny, and Aunt Amy, and the glider and dresser from Mommom, my sleepy place is complete! I love my dinosaur mobile from Aunt Michelle! I was very excited to have my sleeping quarters all set up! It remains to be seen, though, how much time exactly I will spend sleeping in them!

You know, this bear is kinda growing on me. Or shrinking. Potayto, potahto.

When Mommy saw these pictures, she said, "Cora Jane, you are cute as hell!" Then she said all sternly, "Now, Cora Jane, hell is a Mommy word. Just sayin'." Yeah, yeah, whatever, Mom.

I'm getting a little saucy in my old age!

See you next week when, who knows...I might be applying to colleges or holding toys! It's always something!
said at 10:10 AM   6 Compliments

About A Girl

Name: Cora Jane

About Me: I'm my Mom's and Dad's kid. Apparently, they've been waiting on me for a while and didn't have the best of luck getting me here. I'm the miracle baby that hung around after my Mom had three miscarriages and then was put on bedrest at five months pregnant for fear she was losing me, too. But, now I'm here and they really dig me. I dig them, too. It's cool.

See my complete profile

Cora Jane Classics
We Are Family
Baby Buddies
Turtle Un-Shelled
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Busy Busy Busy!
Past Messes
Blah Blah!

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